Monday, October 26, 2009

Free beer...tastes even better!

Ever get a free keg of beer in the mail?? Well, I did last week! Let me explain...

For about 3 months, I've been filling out online surveys on my downtime. Now, most people would say: "why would I waste my time answering surveys?". My answer to them would be: $$$! Oh yeah, and free beer! I get on average about 2 surveys a day forwarded to my email ready for completion.The longest survey I've seen took about 15 minutes to complete. So what are the benefits you ask?

1. Every time a survey is filled out, you're entered into a quarterly draw to win $1000. My fingers are crossed!

2. 2 out of 3 surveys offer point values (200-500 points). Every 1000 points you get are worth $10 in gift certificates as well as a direct transfer to your PayPal account.

3. One in particular offers $3 per survey, and when you reach $50 you can have a cheque for that amount mailed to you.

4. FREE stuff to try out! And this is where the keg comes in...

There was one survey in particular that was about beer. It was said to be a three part survey where the 2nd part would be to try the product.When they said "free sample", I expected just that: a sample! Well, not long after I filled it out I got a big white thermo-insolated box in the mail with a keg of Coors Light nestled amongst a paper survey and a Purolator pick-up slip. The instructions were simple: Drink it, fill out the survey, put the keg back in the box, call Purolator and arranged a pre-paid pick. Until then: BOYS...WE'RE HAVING A PARTY!!!

So, having said all that, if anybody feels the need to use their free time productively, I put their links at the bottom. And on top of all this, these surveys help with market research to help make decisions to benefit us all in the end.


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