Wednesday, August 12, 2009


What better way to keep my family and friends from the East Coast and elsewhere in the loop regarding this ever-changing character of a man by the name of MARIO...I should of thought about this 2 years ago when I set out for Ottawa on my quest for greatness! I really think I'll have alot to post periodically, although one thing is for sure, I have ALOT of stories to tell about this whole experience since day one in Ontario!! It's been fun, amazing, inspiring, insane, awesome, overwhelming, daunting and frightening all at the same time! I could write a post as long as the Nile River and still not have covered all I want share, so I'll start with this intro and big "WELCOME YA ALL!" today...August 12th, 2009 and write about things I experience to entertain and update the people who wonder how, why, where and when things are going down in this chaps'new life in the big city! Plus, who doesn't like to write about themselves?? I say WHY NOT!!