Thursday, February 4, 2010

The power of thought...NOT to be underestimated!

I'm very fortunate for many reasons. I have a beautiful, intelligent and loving partner; I have a nice place to come home to every night; I have a good job that pays me well for what I do; I'm in the right place at the right time to attain all my future goals and thank heavens for this one: I HAVE THE ABILITY TO HEAL!! Let me explain...

When I moved to TO in the Fall of 2009, I started to develop allergies to the environment, dust and even mint (weird eh?). Every day was a new day of struggling to breathe normally: stuffy nose, watery eyes, lethargy, skin problems and even the occasional asthma attack. I had a couple of close calls, one being at a long awaited concert last summer. We were on our way to the Molson Amphitheatre on a very hot and humid summer day when suddenly my lungs started to close up. We managed to make it to our seats and watch the opening act for 10 minutes when it got to a point where I just couldn't breathe anymore - my eyes were bloodshot and my face was swelling up. In a panic, we sought help from the paramedics on scene who were very helpful. After a lenghty dose of Flovent through a face mask, I was ready for the main act! Not a pleasant experience - definitely and eye opener.

I've since sought all sorts of help; from negative allergy tests to puffers to insane amounts of Claritin, Allegra, prescribed antihistamines, nasal sprays, herbs, home remedies, turning my heat off for an entire winter (recommended by a physician!) and finally...I was prescribed Prednisone at an emergency room; the mother of all Cortisone drugs after going into complete respiratory arrest about three weeks ago (even scarier than the first one!).

You're probably thinking: "So the post says the power of thought is involved what way??" Well, another form of help I sought was of a more spiritual nature. I started to listen to audio books about self-healing in the form of energy and thoughts. As a last resort, I figured I'd give it a shot...what was I to lose? After several days of practicing what I was tought (which is a whole other post's worth of information...or maybe two!) I started to feel different - not as lethargic and groggy and feeling generally a bit better. And then like a bull in a china shop came an unexpected respiratory attack...and it was very serious.

This may sound crazy, but I truly believe that it was a gift from the great beyond...seriously! I was given 5 Prednisone tablets at the hospital, one was to be taken every day for 5 days. I must admit, it helped a great deal. It replaced the loads of daily Antihistamines and puffers single-handed. I expected to resume all prior medications and once again be plugged up like a dried up bottle of glue upon stopping the Prednisone; which is what usually happens after taking this drug - in fact, your condition is expected to be periodically more severe as the medication is expelled from your body! But to my amazement, it's been over 2 weeks since I've taken ANY medications and I CAN BREATHE AGAIN!! Apart from a few sniffles in the morning, I feel like I did when I left Moncton...AMAZING! Maybe that last attack was an effect of the healing process - the last big bang before the final goodbye. Maybe, just MAYBE the mind can in fact heal the body. I believe it can...and even if my problems were to come back some day, it wouldn't matter because I feel like a million bucks today and that's all that matters! Today is TRULY a present...

If you're wondering where I'm learning this technique as well as a whole wealth of other ones, here's the link to the main site.

The one technique that helped me is called "The Healing Triangle". Highly recommended if you you truly believe in my claim. And even if you're a major skeptic, deep down inside I know you are a believer!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

NEVER assume!

YES, that's right...NEVER assume! I did, and I quickly realized that indeed I can't predict the future reactions brought on by a future action. What I'm specifically referring to is the music I've written and then recorded...ok, now it's time to explain!

As some may know, I've been playing drums since I was fifteen. And most people don't know that I write songs too. I didn't know I could until one day about 10 years ago, I picked up a guitar, learned a few chords, wrote down a few thoughts on a piece of paper and with a bit of patience, I put them together and PRESTO! I couldn't believe my ears...I had written a damn song!!! I always assumed I was a drummer ONLY. While in Moncton, I wrote about a dozen songs within a 6 year span, some came naturally, some took a whole lot of work. I even recorded the drum tracks for some of these before moving to Ontario in 2007. When I moved to Toronto in September of '08 on the other hand, I wrote 15 songs in less than a month! Change was upon me; I was alone in this huge city with a personal goal and a whack load of inspiration. The first week in Toronto was when I had the most inspiration. All I had in the apartment was an air mattress, a book bag and a guitar. What was I to do between meals and job hunting?? WRITE SONGS! So I did. And they ALL came naturally this time. Things settled and time progressed...

After a few months of chaos, I started revising my goals: starting a pro career in music playing drums...but wait a minute, I just wrote fifteen meaningful songs from the heart, shouldn't I be sharing those with other people? Would other people enjoy them as much as I do? I assumed they probably wouldn't. But there was just one voice. I couldn't project what I head in my head and I didn't have the proper technique, which could take years to master! I'm the kind of person who believes that if you're gonna do something, you're going to do it right! I'm a DRUMMER, I have years of experience, so that's my forte, I'm the time keeper. Playing drums and singing is a difficult feat that few dare to attempt. I find that singers sound way better when they concentrate on JUST that...singing! So, my goal has now changed (or had been modified): I was going to start a pro career playing my songs! Now the question was: where do I begin?

It took about 4 months, but it was worth the wait, I had recorded some of my songs well enough to showcase them online (besides, I had a wonderful human being by my side kicking my ass every step of the way, she helped me realize it sounded good when I assumed it would all suck in the end). The first and most crucial step was to put them online and find that "diamond in the ruff" to sing them. This brings us to about 2 weeks ago. I put my songs on Myspace and started posting ads on classified sites. While doing so, I kept assuming that no one would respond as the vocal quality may be substandard or the songs would just plainly be dismissed. To my amazement, I started getting replies peppered with compliments...people actually wanted to sing this stuff!

I'm now in the process of auditioning singers, who would of thought! I came here assuming I would only be expressing myself behind a drumset, but ended up finding the courage and inspiration to form a group. NEVER assume!


Monday, October 26, 2009

Free beer...tastes even better!

Ever get a free keg of beer in the mail?? Well, I did last week! Let me explain...

For about 3 months, I've been filling out online surveys on my downtime. Now, most people would say: "why would I waste my time answering surveys?". My answer to them would be: $$$! Oh yeah, and free beer! I get on average about 2 surveys a day forwarded to my email ready for completion.The longest survey I've seen took about 15 minutes to complete. So what are the benefits you ask?

1. Every time a survey is filled out, you're entered into a quarterly draw to win $1000. My fingers are crossed!

2. 2 out of 3 surveys offer point values (200-500 points). Every 1000 points you get are worth $10 in gift certificates as well as a direct transfer to your PayPal account.

3. One in particular offers $3 per survey, and when you reach $50 you can have a cheque for that amount mailed to you.

4. FREE stuff to try out! And this is where the keg comes in...

There was one survey in particular that was about beer. It was said to be a three part survey where the 2nd part would be to try the product.When they said "free sample", I expected just that: a sample! Well, not long after I filled it out I got a big white thermo-insolated box in the mail with a keg of Coors Light nestled amongst a paper survey and a Purolator pick-up slip. The instructions were simple: Drink it, fill out the survey, put the keg back in the box, call Purolator and arranged a pre-paid pick. Until then: BOYS...WE'RE HAVING A PARTY!!!

So, having said all that, if anybody feels the need to use their free time productively, I put their links at the bottom. And on top of all this, these surveys help with market research to help make decisions to benefit us all in the end.


Friday, August 14, 2009

Facing a BIG fear

For the longest time, I've had a major fear of public speaking. I go into Cardiac Arrest whenever I was faced with this situation. But at one point in my life, I was introduced to a solution that would help me get over this fear completely and in fact help me become the public speaker everybody envies; the one with the confidence of a lion, the conviction of a dictator and the charisma of a rockstar...

Ever hear of Toastmasters? It's an educational non-profit organization that teaches leadership and public speaking skills all over the world. Well, I am currently a member of a TM club and attend meetings every Thursday. Basically, it's a one hour meeting of about 20-25 people that all have the same dilemma: FEAR OF PUBLIC SPEAKING = FEAR OF DEATH! (That's an actual fact btw!) What we do requires some explanation, and it can be found here: . The main goal of the meeting is to have a maximum of 2 people to go up to the podium and deliver a speech no longer than 6 minutes. Apart from the speeches, the meeting has an agenda that consists of fun games and roles that encourage leadership and public speaking. Nobody is pressured to participate, as everything is voluntary. I'll admit, when I volunteered to do my first speech, my heart almost jumped out of chest...OUCH!

I had a week to prepare. My first speech objective was called "The Icebreaker" which consisted of a 4-6 minute speech about myself. After 3 days of brainstorming to come up with the perfect speech topic, I finally decided to speak about an event I have rarely spoken of before that seemed appropriate for the occasion: The reason WHY I'm so petrified of public speaking! NOTE: When I delivered my speech, I brought a reporter-type digital recorder and captured the whole thing. My next goal is to post that recording for everyone to was my first speech in 17 years, so BE NICE! lol

It's 12 AM, the following Thursday...I have to face one of my hugest, biggest most avoided fears: Deliver a freakin' speech!! The meeting starts with the striking of a gavel (judge hammer) on the boardroom table following some opening remarks by the Chairman/Toastmaster. Then our appointed Grammarian comes up on the eraser board to explain to us the word of the day. (which is a random, uncommonly used word every volunteer has to try to slip into their speaking role; lucidity was the word for that day). Then comes the joke of the week, which again is appointed to a volunteer. (ALL roles are voluntary). And finally comes the moment of truth, the dread of the week, the inescapable moment that was stuck in my head for SEVEN STRAIGHT DAYS...the introduction of ME, the first speaker! I admit, I was petrified. Besides, the last time I had attempted to deliver a speech I was in grade 10 English class. Anyways, to my amazement, it went really well! No major jitters, no frog in throat syndrome, a bit of sweat on the palms, but otherwise very satisfying. The feeling accompanied by the accomplishment: R E L I E F!! All that preparation, which is the key to successful speech, paid off. To become a "competent speaker" and be in a position to participate in regional/international speech competitions, I need to successfully deliver 10 speeches of 10 different difficulties. And my goal is to do JUST that. Since that day, my fear has been steadily taking a plunge into the abyss ONCE AND FOR ALL!

The point of this post is to encourage YOU, the reader to mentally say #%&K IT and just grab the bull (fear) by the horns...and believe me when I say this: IT FEELS GOOD!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


What better way to keep my family and friends from the East Coast and elsewhere in the loop regarding this ever-changing character of a man by the name of MARIO...I should of thought about this 2 years ago when I set out for Ottawa on my quest for greatness! I really think I'll have alot to post periodically, although one thing is for sure, I have ALOT of stories to tell about this whole experience since day one in Ontario!! It's been fun, amazing, inspiring, insane, awesome, overwhelming, daunting and frightening all at the same time! I could write a post as long as the Nile River and still not have covered all I want share, so I'll start with this intro and big "WELCOME YA ALL!" today...August 12th, 2009 and write about things I experience to entertain and update the people who wonder how, why, where and when things are going down in this chaps'new life in the big city! Plus, who doesn't like to write about themselves?? I say WHY NOT!!